Numerical simulation of the wind device for manned agricultural aircraft

Meng Sun, Liqun Lu, Yubin Lan, Jing Zhao, Gang Fang


Abstract: In order to reduce the energy consumption of an agricultural aircraft, a kind of pneumatic and energy storage system was designed to drive the aircraft operation, including pneumatic device, compressed air device and energy storage device.  As the prime mover of the whole system, the pneumatic device rotates under the action of high-speed wind energy generated during aircraft flight to drive the compressor to work and convert mechanical energy into compressed air energy, and the energy storage device is used to store residual energy.  Different installation positions of the pneumatic device have different degrees of influence on the flight flow field.  In order to determine the best installation position of the wind device on the manned agricultural aircraft, a certain type of agricultural aircraft was used as an example, and the appearance model of the aircraft was designed.  The pneumatic device was installed in front of the wing, behind the wing and under the wing for analysis, so as to obtain the best installation position.  At the best position, the variation law of output torque of pneumatic impeller under different wind speed conditions was investigated.  The results show that the installation of the wind device in front of the wing has the least impact on the aircraft and the pneumatic impeller, and the output torque of the pneumatic impeller is directly related to the aircraft wind speed, angle of attack and flight speed.  It decreases with the increase of the angle of attack at 0, 6 and 12 angles of attack, and increases with the increase of the wind speed at40 m/s,50 m/s and60 m/s.

Keywords: pneumatic device, flight angle of attack, lift coefficient, the drag coefficient

DOI: 10.33440/j.ijpaa.20210402.175


Citation: Sun M, Lu L Q, Lan Y B, Zhao J, Fang G.  Numerical simulation of the wind device for manned agricultural aircraft.  Int J Precis Agric Aviat, 2021; 4(2): 22–29.


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