Improvement of reference evapotranspiration by considering time lag effect in back propagation neural network model
Abstract: Accurate estimation of reference evapotranspiration (ET0) is of great significance for agriculture and climate irrigation systems. However, the accuracy of estimated reference evapotranspiration using traditional methods are not ideal due to the presence of complicated nonlinear relationship between meteorological factors and reference evapotranspiration. Given that, three pre-processed techniques including Pearson, Kendall and Spearman were performed to explore time lag effect between meteorological factors and reference evapotranspiration. An imputation model for ET0 was proposed in the context of time-lag effect using modeling method of network (BP) and multiple linear regression (MLR). Then, its estimation accuracy was compared with that from traditional model without considering time-lag effect to confirm influence of time-lag effect to estimated reference evapotranspiration. The results showed that (1) ET0 lags behind the solar radiation (RS) for 10~20 minutes, but in advance in the air temperature (Ta) 120~150 minutes, relative humidity (RH) 90~140 minutes and wind speed (u2) 10~50 minutes; (2) In the estimated monthly ET0 BP model (R2 = 0.91) is better than MLR model (R2 = 0.86); (3) By considering time lag effect, MLR model and BP model can effectively be improved ET0 simulation accuracy, increasing 4% to 6% and 16% to 22%, but BP model is more preferable. All our preliminary results throw light on time lag effect is one of the important variables of the application model simulation reference evapotranspiration.
Keywords: reference evapotranspiration; meteorological factors; back propagation neural network model; time lag effect
DOI: 10.33440/j.ijpaa.20220501.188
Citation: Huang J L, Guo Y H, Zuo X Y, Wang X, Yao Y F, Zhang Z T, Xiang Y Z, Chen J Y. Improvement of reference evapotranspiration by considering time lag effect in back propagation neural network model. Int J Precis Agric Aviat, 2022; 5(1): 10–20.
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