Inverting the Leaf Area Index of summer maize through the application of optimization methods
Abstract: The leaf area index (LAI) of summer maize plays a pivotal role in estimating biomass, photosynthetic potential, transpiration, and various other crucial vegetation parameters. It serves as a vital indicator for evaluating growth progress and predicting crop yields. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) remote sensing has proven to be a rapid and non-destructive tool for monitoring the LAI of summer maize. The objective of this study is to enhance the accuracy of the LAI inversion model for summer maize by leveraging different optimization algorithms. To achieve this, we designed varying fertilization levels to create distinct canopy structures. We employed a UAV multi-spectral remote sensing system to obtain 19 vegetation indices, which were collected concurrently with ground-based LAI measurements throughout the growing season. In our investigation, we applied multiple linear regression (MLR), Support Vector Machine Regression (SVR), and Random Forest Regression Model (RF) to establish regression models between the vegetation indices of summer maize and LAI over the entire growth period. For hyperparameter optimization of the SVR and RF models, we employed the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO), Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA), and Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm (GWO) to search for optimal combinations of hyperparameters. The results demonstrated that Difference Vegetation Index (DVI), Green-Blue Ratio Index (GBRI), Standard Greenness Index (NGI), Wide Dynamic Range Vegetation Index (WDRVI), and Vegetation Infrared Ratio Index (SR) exhibited high correlations with LAI. Furthermore, the accuracy of LAI estimation models was significantly improved through the application of optimization methods. Notably, the LAI estimation model established using SVR-GWO yielded the highest accuracy (R2=0.912, RMSE=0.607). In summary, the utilization of optimization algorithms has proven to be an effective approach in enhancing the precision of LAI estimation models, with promising applications in agricultural research and crop management.
Keywords: summer maize; multispectral remote sensing; leaf area index; vegetation index; inversion models; optimization methods
DOI: 10.33440/j.ijpaa.20230601.199
Citation: Bie X T, Jia P, Wang G B, Yang C L, Wang Q Y, Gu H Z, Shan C F and Lan Y B. Inverting the Leaf Area Index of summer maize through the application of optimization methods. Int J Precis Agric Aviat, 2023; 6(1): 1–8.
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