A method for determining the optimal placement of litchi clusters using improved YOLACT and a distributed target fault-tolerance mechanism
Abstract: At present, there is no efficient and accurate method for locating the litchi picking point. Different from the grapes and tomatoes picking, litchi have lush leaves, thick and hard stems, and the biological characteristics (picking points) are random. This paper proposes a fault-tolerant mechanism for distributed target picking. This mechanism combines the morphological distribution characteristics of single litchi and the occluded targets completion method, and transforms the image processing problem into supervised learning and nonlinear regression question. We researched the characteristics of litchi stems and growth laws, and divided the picking situation into two categories. For the first time, we design the target fault-tolerant shearing path by utilizing the projection distribution of the normal vector of a single litchi onto the image coordinate system. This approach addresses the challenge of litchi picking with irregular deviation angles caused by the influence of gravity. To sum up, the distributed target fault-tolerance mechanism proposed in this paper combines the morphological characteristics of litchis and artificial intelligence technology, which fundamentally improves the positioning accuracy of litchi picking points and creates a common and intelligent picking positioning technology method for fruit agricultural robots.
Keywords: distributed, litchi, smart picking, mask, target fault-tolerance
DOI: 10.33440/j.ijpaa.20230601.217
Citation: Lia Y H, Wang J, Liao J P, and Lan Y B. A method for determining the optimal placement of litchi clusters using improved YOLACT and a distributed target fault-tolerance mechanism. Int J Precis Agric Aviat, 2023; 6(1): 23–32.
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