Control efficacy of different pesticide formulations and fan-nozzle model on wheat aphids by UAVs
Abstract: The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has been significantly increased in wheat pest control inChina. The formulation of pesticide and the type of nozzle are the important parameters in UAVs spraying application. The droplet density, deposition and control efficacy on wheat aphids of four formulation of imidacloprid (20% imidacloprid SL, 25% imidacloprid WP, 5% imidacloprid EC, 70% imidacloprid WDG) and three models of fan-nozzle (teejet11001vs, teejet110015vs, teejet11002vs) applied by UAVs were determined in this paper. The droplet density and deposition of four imidacloprid formulation was not significantly different. However, the control efficacy of different formulation was 5% imidacloprid EC (7DAT=97.7%) > 20% imidacloprid SL (7DAT=95.7%) > 70% imidacloprid WDG (7DAT=93.2%) > 25% imidacloprid WP (7DAT=85.1%). With regard to the factor of fan-nozzle, teejet11001vs treatment performed better in droplet density and deposition than the other two nozzles, and the control efficacy of teejet11001vs was higher than teejet110015vs, teejet11002vs with the margin of 10.7%, 9.9% respectively. The deposition uniformity on wheat plant from top to bottom of three nozzles was teejet11001vs (CV=22.8%) > teejet11002vs (CV=27.1%) > teejet110015vs (CV=57.4%).
Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicles, pesticide formulation, fan nozzle model, wheat aphids, droplet density, deposition, control efficacy
DOI:Â 10.33440/j.ijpaa.20200302.74
Citation: Yan X J, Yuan H Z, Zhou X X, Wang M, Shi X, Y, Chen Y X, Yang D B. Control efficacy of different pesticide formulations and fan-nozzle model on wheat aphids by UAVs.  Int J Precis Agric Aviat, 2020; 3(2): 35–39.
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