Key technologies for testing and analyzing aerial spray deposition and drift: A comprehensive review
Abstract: The technologies for testing and analyzing aerial spray deposition and drift serve as the tools and foundational technologies for spray deposition and drift modeling, deposition and drift control, and the development of aerial spray equipment. These technologies can be categorized into four types by comprehensively considering their testing analysis methods, analysis objects, and application technologies: sampling, laboratory simulation, computer simulation modeling, and new analysis technologies. With regard to sampling analysis technologies, this study mainly analyzed the water-sensitive paper (WSP) sampling testing method, tracer testing method, combined WSP and tracer testing method, as well as the electronic information technologies that have been widely used and rapidly developed in recent years. With respect to the laboratory simulation analysis technologies, this paper elaborates on the applications of laser particle size measurement technology and instrument based on the laser diffraction principle, particle image velocimetry technology and instrument, phase doppler interferometer based on laser scattering principle, and other spray measurement technologies. In case of computational modeling simulation analysis technologies, this paper mainly expounds the spray deposition model analysis and research methods based on the Gaussian plume, Lagrange, statistical, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models. Additionally, the paper describes the applications of LIDAR, thermal infrared imaging, and other technologies to the analysis of spray deposition. Electronic technology, computer technology, and other information technologies are being used more widely for analyzing aerial spray deposition, and have become a development trend in recent years. The instruments rapid measurement of spray deposition in the field and the real-time accurate prediction models for spray drift are in high demand. The instrument for rapid in-field measurement should be compact, exhibit good portability and convenience of use in the field, and guarantee high measurement accuracy. The spray deposition and drift mechanisms are relatively well clarified, and the use of advanced technologies to develop practical instrument is the main work of future research in this area.
Keywords: aerial application, deposit measurement, drift monitor, plant protection
DOI:Â 10.33440/j.ijpaa.20200302.80
Citation: Zhang R R, Chen L P, Wen Y, Tang Q, Li L L.  Key technologies for testing and analyzing aerial spray deposition and drift: A comprehensive review.  Int J Precis Agric Aviat, 2020; 3(2): 13–27.
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