Gait recognition based on 3D point cloud data augmentation
Abstract: The goal of gait recognition is to recognize human identity through walking patterns. There are two main methods of gait recognition in the existing research. The first method is based on appearance to extract gait features from binary contour images, and the second method is based on model to extract gait features from key joints. However, the effect of appearance based methods will be affected by the changes of carrying objects and different clothing, while model-based methods will be affected by the effect of pose estimation in recognition, and include sparse gait features, which makes existing gait recognition performances highly depend on visual texture information (such as clothing, carrying and so on). Combining the advantages of the above two methods, we can not only use continuous contour sequences, but also remove the influence of clothing and occlusion. In this paper, we propose a gait feature extraction method based on 3D point cloud. The proposed method first extracts 3D point cloud based on each person's walking video. Two different methods are proposed to map the 3D point cloud data to 2D black and white images. Then the projected 2D images are combined with the original 2D gait samples to expand existing gait datasets. We evaluate 3D point cloud based gait recognition methods on popular gait datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method can achieve improvements compared to existing methods, and can achieve the state-of-the-art recognition performances under several experimental settings.
Keywords: Gait recognition, 3D point cloud, 2D mapping, occlusion elimination, dress and carrying variances
DOI: 10.33440/j.ijpaa.20230601.221
Citation: Yang Q G, Chen X, Lan Y B, Deng X L. Gait recognition based on 3D point cloud data augmentation. Int J Precis Agric Aviat, 2023; 6(1): 69–83.
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