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Kong, Fanxia, 1. National Sub-center for International Collaboration Research on Precision Agricultural Aviation Pesticide Spraying Technology, Zibo, 255000, China; 2. College of Agricultural Engineering and Food Science, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, 25500 (China)
Kong, Fanxia, College of Agricultural Engineering and Food Science, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, 255000, China (China)
Kong, Fanxia, School of Agricultural Engineering and Food Science, Shandong University of Technology
Kong, Hui, College of Agricultural Engineering and Food Science, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, 255000, China; (China)
Kong, Hui, Shandong Unversity of Technology (China)
Kong, Lingjia, Jilin Dingzhi Agricultural Service Co., Ltd
Kumar Singh, Akshay
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ISSN: 2576-3628